dimanche 22 janvier 2012

In Memory of Steve Jobs... Sunday 9 October 2011

From: the-apple@live.com
To: billg@microsoft.com; info@gatesfoundation.org; timbl@w3.org
Subject: In Memory of Steve Jobs... Xavier de Paz. I Need Your Help !!!
Date: Mon, 10 Oct 2011 01:06:55 +0200


All the Best from Earth to Where You Are...!!!

                                                                el X-@vi'G

In Memory of Steve Jobs,

Bonjour Monsieur Bill & Melinda Gates and Tim Berners-Lee,

I Need Your Help !!!


Divinely & Cordially,
                                                                                                         Xavier de Paz

Mobile Phone: +41797807396
E-Mail: The-Apple@live.com

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